· Bitkarrot · opinion · 1 min read
Its not enough to be in one vertical anymore

Its not enough to be in one vertical anymore
… to survive in a rapidly shifting economy, one must master multiple skills.
The younger generation of self starters get it —
“Being a good Journalist is no longer just about being a good writer, its about being a good writer but also being a good Designer and a good Publisher, and that’s what all young journos are learning to do, and that’s really important to where we’re going in the future.” -Sam, The Daily Aus
“The whole news environment is experiencing the same challenge, and that’s to keep people engaged”
The key point is that journalists must have a multidisciplinary skill set today.
As with many other disciplines, what were once separate verticals or separate jobs yesterday are probably going to collapse into a single role today and tomorrow.
The Interdisciplinary Artist, Developer, Creator, or Engineer will have a leading edge over those who don’t cultivate multiple skill sets.