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Member Contributions To Open Source Software - February 2024

Member Contributions for February 2024

About this post

In no particular order, let’s celebrate all the member contributions from Plebnet.DEV to open source software! Contributions are collected by a moderator in the discord every month so be sure to reach out to them before the monthly meetup if you would like to be mentioned on this monthly blog post. If you contributed and we missed it, please make a pull request and we’ll be sure to include it here!


  • The road to a A Free Bitcoin only selfhosted Wordpress & Shopify alternative.
  • With the lessons learned from Flamewerk (https://production.flamewerk.com/) Cypher.space is being slowly rebuild into a bitcoin only flat file CMS. The goals are Zero costs for hosting, Flexibility and client-side implementations. Join our build adventure on https://cypher.space/ or visit our GitHub for more info

Richard Safier (XenonFun)





Randy McMillian

  • Released Gnostr-Bins
  • It now includes the gnostr-legit git commit miner - no need to install it seperately. Additional testing for windows needed.
  • full migration of the main “gnostr” utility in progress - so youll be able to install everything from the rust version of “gnostr”


  • ZBD wallet integration into LNBits merged into dev branch. PR
  • Blink.sv wallet integration into LNBits in progress. PR
  • Core lightning Docs in progress, ETA v24.05. PR
  • Revise front page of plebnet.dev website to be more informative. PR

Maintainers contributing to Review and Merging PRs






  • collected open source contributions and compiled this list.
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